Where can I find the cheapest textbooks for Pitt State?

We are proud to offer the cheapest textbooks for Pittsburg State University! We offer new and used textbooks available to rent or buy. Compared to the on-campus bookstore, we are the cheapest option for course materials.

What are your hours during the beginning of the semester?

August 14 & 15 (Move in weekend) 10am-4pm

August 16 - 19: 8am-6pm

August 20: 8am-5pm

When is the last day to return for a full refund?

August 20th.

How do I get my books?

You can bring your class schedule in store and we can get you your books! You can also order through our website, and choose either in store pickup or have them shipped.

How do I know what books I need to get?

All you need is your class schedule! We do the rest.

Should I rent or buy my textbooks?

Renting textbooks is the cheapest option for both new and used textbooks.

What other products do you offer?

We carry a large selection of Pittsburg State University merchandise, along with school supplies and other course materials.